Krill Oil & D3
- 100% pure product. Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) are harvested in the world’s cleanest waters, therefore krill oil is completely free of radioactive and other chemical additions, including heavy metals. Krill is one of the smallest organisms found in nature. Due to their small body mass and short lifespan, they do not absorb any contamination. Whereas fish, which are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, contain various concentrations of mercury and other heavy metal contaminations.
- Nature’s gift to humankind. Krill form the largest biomass in the world, and it is not necessary to breed them in captivity for the purpose of obtaining krill oil. Until the very moment of harvest, they live in their natural habitat and consume mostly phytoplankton from which they absorb the unique omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin.
- The risk of product decay is practically eliminated. Due to the high concentration of astaxanthin (natural antioxidant) in Kriella™ Krill oil products, product oxidation or decay, as a result of which the fragile omega-3 fatty acids lose their positive biological activity, is eliminated. Krill oil freshness rates surpass any fish oil; depending on the concentration of astaxanthin – even more than 100 times.
- No aftertaste. After taking krill oil you will not feel any aftertaste or an urge to belch because krill oil immediately mixes with stomach contents instead of floating on top like fish oil.
- Maximum benefit. The human body uses 98% of the omega-3 fatty acids that krill oil contains, whereas, due to their different structure, fatty acids in fish oil are available to cells in a much lower concentration and are more tended towards creating fat and energy reserves.